The Star of Texas
“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell”
― Philip Henry Sheridan, Union General
Don't get me wrong, I love Texas and Texans, but after driving 600 miles through west Texas, I can picture condos popping up on Lucifer Lane. Notably, every little town we passed, no matter how small, boasted a Dairy Queen and a Walmart. There's a contrast between heaven and hell for me right there. Who knew the spiritual battles going on between El Paso and Ft. Worth?
The highlight of our brief stay in Ft. Worth was reuniting with one of my 3 Cohen cousins after 44 years. I know precious little about my Cohen genealogy because my dad parceled out words more stingily than Trump doles out tact.

I hope to see her again and more of Ft. Worth on the way back.
Elvis is in the House
Even though I only remember Elvis as a bedazzled polyester, onesie-wearing entertainer, I've always wanted to see Graceland. That was my priority for Memphis. We all enjoyed a history-narrated river cruise on the "Miz-sippi" and a stroll down blues central Beale Street. Since I was the only one willing to shell out for the tour I was going to go alone while the others chilled in the hotel, but my sweet husband felt sorry for me and tagged along. He was very glad he did because it was very impressive and fun, and even ran into an Elvis impersonator who made the yearly pilgrimage to Graceland with pious dedication.
The highlights for Nashville were BBQ, music and accents, y'all. The driver of the free golf cart taxi asked me "Do y'all have a dogue?" A what? "A dogue." Then whips out his phone while driving and scrolls through his pictures to show me his dogue. A white terrier. Our regular taxi ride ended up costing more than we planned since my phone fell out of my purse when I got out and had to pay another fare for him to bring it back. My phone has now taken a plane ride and taxi ride by itself. I will need to guard it closely on my next cruise as I refuse to send my phone on the Love Boat by itself.
Seeing my cousin.
I got my phone back within the hour.
I don't own Texas OR hell.
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